In this article I’m going to talk about a great drill I like to use when starting my chipping practice. This alignment stick drill will aid your accuracy towards the desired target which will ensure you’re hitting the ball closer to the pin when caught just shy of the green. If you are familiar with the chalk line or laser line when putting, this drill is fairly similar and translates over well when chipping.
Step 1
For this drill, you’ll need two alignment sticks, one stuck vertically in the ground roughly two paces away in the direction you’re hitting and one on the ground in front of your feet. You can move the stick closer or slightly further away if you wish depending on how difficult you would like to make it.
Step 2
Ensure the grooves on your club are perpendicular to the alignment stick on the ground so that the clubface is square to the desired target.
Step 3
Check to see if your feet, hips and shoulders are also parallel to the stick on the ground.
Step 4
Have a go! See if you start to miss the ball on a certain side and play around with it, once you start to hit the stick it becomes quite addictive!