By Stephen Deane, Head Professional, Emirates Golf Club
This month we’ll discuss the Peter Cowen signature chalk line drill which is fantastic for developing the correct wrist action.
Very simply, you get a piece of rubber and draw on a chalk line!
From here you position the chalk line underneath your balance points – the top and bottom or your spine or, as I explain to my students, in line with your shirt buttons and belt buckle. This effectively is your ball position. From here you simply set the wrists during the backswing on the correct plane (around 45 degrees) and release them under your balance points, removing the chalk line!
This drill is so effective because it gets the wrists ‘setting’ and ‘releasing’ under your balance points, and as a result you start using the clubs bounce (back edge of the sole) rather than the leading edge, which can cause all sorts of issues and no consistency over the ball’s initial starting direction, flight or spin. The drill effectively adapts the wrist action to remove the line with no concern over the end result, which is why most golfers never get the technique correct. This is a fantastic drill which is guaranteed to have a positive impact on your short game and also your full swing as you’ll start to understand the correct wrist action and how to match this relationship up to your balance points.
For more information please contact the Peter Cowen Academy Dubai and we’d be more than happy to help develop your game.